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April 22

Miyako odori's electric lights, too much detail?

The Miyako odori of the Gion district of western Kyoto now has electric lights.  Lights are located in six places in and around Kaburenjo theatre: 2 at the stage, 2 at mimonojo(kenbutsujo), 1 at Kidoguchi, and 1 at Gionmachi.  With the lights on, the curtain becomes bright, and the audience is surprised that the stage is now as bright as day.

But, is this good or bad? (meiwaku).  Because earlier performances were lit by candlelight, the dyed clothing looked like brocade and even the performers in their twilight years, looked as young as 18 with their thick makeup.  Now, in the lights, everything is clearly seen, even the (cheap) muslim and the wrinkles on the faces.  It's easy to get better clothing, but can the performers expect gentlemen to attend when they are able to see the wrinkles?

source: Tokyo nichi nichi shinbun